Worship on July 31: Sermon on the Mount: Forgive Who and Love Who?

Join us in worship on Sunday, July 31st at 9:30 am. Pastor Brett’s topic is “Sermon on the Mount: Forgive Who and Love Who?” Our scriptures are Psalm 41:1-4, Romans 12:9-21, and Matthew 5:38-48.

Synopsis: Once again, Jesus says; “You have heard it said…”  Jesus again takes a common thought from society and culture and tells us, as Christians, to look at things much differently.  This passage challenges us to do more, be more, love more.  Yes, our faith in Christ requires us to be like Him.

Attend in person or watch live on YouTube. Our channel can be found at http://tinyurl.com/CommChYT. Worship services are also broadcast with a one-week delay on Spectrum Charter channel 190: Sunday at 11 am & 7 pm, and Monday at 7 am. Check the channel’s schedule for additional times with the current service.

TV Schedule for Services

Spectrum Charter channel 190 is back in service. Community Church of Ludington currently has our service schedule as follows:

  • Sunday at 11am
  • Sunday at 7pm
  • Monday at 7am
  • Monday at 5pm
  • Wednesday at 9am
  • Friday at 9am

The usual pattern is that on Sunday and on Monday morning, the previous Sunday’s service is broadcast. After Monday, the current week’s video file is uploaded and available for viewing starting Monday at 5 pm.

Church services from weeks past can also be viewed on our YouTube channel! Search for Community Church of Ludington at www.YouTube.com. Subscribe to be notified of new services and Live YouTube broadcasts on Sundays at 9:30 am.

Worship on July 17 “Sermon on the Mount: Salt and Light”

Pastor Brett’s topic for Sunday, July 17 is “Sermon on the Mount: Salt and Light.” Our scriptures are Hebrews 4:13-16, Romans 14:1-12, and Matthew 5:13-20. Worship with us at 9:30 am in the sanctuary, live on YouTube, or on Spectrum Charter cable Channel 190 later in the week. Worship services are on a one-week delay for cable TV, with scheduled times of Sundays at 11 am & 7 pm, and Mondays at 7 am. Check the channel’s schedule for additional times with the current service.

Synopsis: Commentator Karoline Lewis states; “It’s one thing to know and to claim your identity.  It is another thing entirely to live it.”  Jesus is actively teaching the disciples throughout this three-year time and the Sermon on the Mount is one of those major teaching moments.  Jesus is explaining here that our faith must be more than just a verbal commitment, more than just a collection of knowledge; but shared and that requires both word and action.

Sunday Worship, July 10: “Sermon on the Mount: Beatitudes”

Pastor Brett continues the series on the Beatitudes on Sunday, July 10 at 9:30 am: “Sermon on the Mount: Beatitudes.” Our scriptures are Jeremiah 17:5-10, 14, Isaiah 61:1-7, and Matthew 5:1-12.

Attend in person or watch live on YouTube. Our channel can be found at http://tinyurl.com/CommChYT. Worship services are also broadcast with a one-week delay on Spectrum Charter channel 190: Sunday at 11 am & 7 pm, and Monday at 7 am. Check the channel’s schedule for additional times with the current service.

Synopsis: Our series on the Sermon on the Mount continues today. We will look at the last four of the nine Beatitudes. All of these Beatitudes talk about the promises and assurances of God; even in light of sacrifice, suffering, conflict, and persecution.

Sunday, July 3 “Beatitudes”

Join us in worship this Sunday. Pastor Brett’s topic is “Sermon on the Mount: Beatitudes.” Our scriptures are Psalm 40:11-17, Revelation 7:11-17, and Matthew 5:1-12.

Synopsis: This Sunday we begin a sermon series on the “Sermon on the Mount”.  The Sermon on the Mount is made up of chapters 5-7 in the Gospel of Matthew and consists of a variety of teachings dealing with how to live the Christian life and what that means.  The Sermon on the Mount begins with “The Beatitudes” or “The Blesseds”.  Today we will look at the first five Beatitudes that begin the Sermon on the Mount.

Attend in person or watch live on YouTube. Our channel can be found at http://tinyurl.com/CommChYT. Worship services are also broadcast with a one-week delay on Spectrum Charter channel 190: Sunday at 11 am & 7 pm, and Monday at 7 am.

Spaghetti Dinner Benefit

Thank you to everyone who set up, cooked, served, cleaned, and came to donate and – of course – eat spaghetti at our Community Church benefit in October of 2019 for one of our missionary couples.

In line for delicious spaghetti and dessert
In line for delicious spaghetti and dessert
Tucking in for a cause!
Tucking in for a cause!
Dining room of people who came to donate to our mission couple, and to eat
Dining room of people who came to donate to our mission couple, and to eat
Good to see Gary and Ann
Good to see Gary and Ann

Kitchen crew - happy to serve!
Kitchen crew – happy to serve!

Our Fellowship

Some glimpses into the life and activities of Community Church of Ludington!