May 26: God’s Glory Alone

Worship with us on Sunday, May 26 at 9:30 a.m. Pastor Brett Spalding’s sermon topic is “God’s Glory Alone.” Our scriptures include Psalm 72:17-19, Isaiah 60:1-5, Romans 11:33-36, and Revelation 1:4-8 and 7:9-12.

Synopsis: Beginning with Martin Luther, the Reformation theologians used five phrases to describe the essentials of the Christian faith. These are described as the five “Sola’s”, a Latin word meaning “alone”.

  1. Sola Scriptura – Scripture alone
  2. Solus Christus – Christ alone
  3. Sola Fide – Faith alone
  4. Sola Gratia – Grace alone
  5. Soli Deo Gloria – Glory to God alone

The first four of these phrases concern our relationship with God and our salvation. Today we’ll look at the fifth phrase and the goal and plan behind our salvation.

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Worship on April 21: Good Shepherd

Join us in worshiping the Lord with us on Sunday, April 21 at 9:30 a.m. Pastor Brett’s sermon is entitled “Good Shepherd.” Our scriptures include Psalm 23, Ephesians 2:13-19, and John 10:11-18.

Synopsis: In our passage today, Jesus states, “I am the Good Shepherd.” He states the His sheep hear His voice, they know His voice, and follow Him. Jesus goes on to state that there is one flock and one shepherd. We’ll look at this passage and what that means for us.

You can also watch live on YouTube at

Worship on April 14, 2024: The Night Prayer

Worship with us on Sunday, April 14 at 9:30 a.m. Pastor Brett’s sermon is entitled “The Night Prayer,” with scriptures Luke 24:36-48, Acts 3:12-19, and Psalm 4.

Synopsis: In our Psalm today we hear the voice of David the Psalmist and of God. We hear a plea and lament as well as God’s rebuke. In the end though, we hear the voice of calm and peace that Jesus seeks for us to hear and know.

Sunday, April 7 Topic: What Now?

Worship with us on Sunday, April 7 at 9:30 a.m. Pastor Brett’s sermon is titled “What Now?” His scriptures include Luke 24:13-27, Luke 24:28-35, and Acts 1:1-8.

Synopsis: Place yourself in the position of the disciples. The natural question to ask is, what now? For three years they had followed Jesus, listened to His teachings, watched Him perform signs, and now they thought He was gone, so now what? Following some appearances to the disciples and others, Jesus tells them to wait in Jerusalem for the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Easter Sunday, March 31 – What Do We Believe?

Come on Easter Sunday, March 31, 2024, at 9:30 a.m. to celebrate our Risen Savior! Pastor Brett’s topic is “What Do We Believe?” Our scriptures include Luke 24: 1-12, John 2:18-22, and 1 Corinthians 15:12-21.

Synopsis: Ironically, Easter is the easiest and one of the most difficult services for Pastors – often times we fall into the trap of wanting to preach something new on the story everyone knows. I decided many years ago that Easter is not the time for something new. God gave us this great story – our story – and we need to hear it over and over and over again – or else we could fall into the trap that the Corinthians fell into.

Easter, it demands that we make a decision. Do we believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ? Do we believe that Jesus died for our sins on the cross? Do we believe Jesus to be, The Way, The Truth, and The Life?

You can also watch live on YouTube at