Sunday, October 23: Passionately Seeking God

Join us at 9:30 am on Sunday, October 23rd to worship the Lord, our Healer, Rock, and Redeemer! Pastor Brett’s sermon this week continues his Sermon on the Mount series with “Passionately Seeking God.” Our scriptures are from Mark 9, John 16, and Matthew 7.

Services are streamed live on our YouTube channel (, and re-broadcast on Spectrum Channel 190.

October 2, 2022: How Much Faith is Enough?

Join us to worship the Lord on Sunday, October 2, at 9:30 am. Pastor Brett’s topic is “Faith: How Much is Enough?” Our scriptures are John 12:20-26, 2 Timothy 1:1-14, and Luke 17:5-10.

Synopsis: In our passage today, the disciples ask Jesus to increase their faith. Jesus responds with a couple different metaphors; one in particular has to do with slaves and their master. Sunday, we’ll explore what Jesus wants us to understand and be at peace with in our relationship with Him.

Sunday, September 25: Sermon on the Mount – Worry

Come to worship the Lord with us on Sunday, September 25th at 9:30 am. Pastor Brett continues his sermon series in Matthew 5-6 with “Sermon on the Mount: Worry.” Our scriptures are from Psalm 25, Jeremiah 27, and Matthew 6.

Services are live streamed on the church Facebook channel and recorded for broadcast on Spectrum Charter Channel 190.

September 18: Our Treasure, Our Eyes, and Who We Serve

Join us to worship the Lord on Sunday, September 18 at 9:30 am. Pastor Brett’s topic is “Sermon on the Mount: Our Treasure, Our Eyes, and Who We Serve.” Our scriptures are Proverbs 3:5-12, 1 Timothy 6:1-10, and Matthew 6:19-24.

Synopsis: Jesus continues asking us to examine ourselves and our actions in this section of the Sermon on the Mount.  Jesus talks about treasure, the focus of our eyes, and Who we truly serve.

Attend in person or watch live on YouTube. Our channel can be found at Worship services are also broadcast with a one-week delay on Spectrum Charter channel 190: Sunday at 11 am & 7 pm, and Monday at 7 am. Subsequent broadcasts will normally be updated to the current Sunday. Check the channel’s schedule for additional times with the current service.

September 4 “Sermon on the Mount: Prayer”

Join us to worship the Lord on Sunday, September 4 at 9:30 am. The topic is “Sermon on the Mount: Prayer,” with scripture readings Psalm 3:1-6, Ecclesiastes 5:1-7, Matthew 6:5-15.

Synopsis: In this passage from the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches about the spiritual practice of prayer.  Like the previous passage Jesus tells us to examine our hearts and then teaches us how to pray.

Attend in person or watch live on YouTube. Our channel can be found at Worship services are also broadcast with a one-week delay on Spectrum Charter channel 190: Sunday at 11 am & 7 pm, and Monday at 7 am. Subsequent broadcasts will normally be updated to the current Sunday. Check the channel’s schedule for additional times with the current service.

Thoughts to the church from Pastor Brett and Kathy:

Worship on August 28: A New Heart?

Join us to worship the Lord our God on Sunday, August 28th at 9:30 am! Roger Cochran’s topic is “A New Heart?” Our scriptures include Isaiah 40:25-31 and Romans 13:8-14.

Attend in person or watch live on YouTube. Our channel can be found at Worship services are also broadcast with a one-week delay on Spectrum Charter channel 190: Sunday at 11 am & 7 pm, and Monday at 7 am. Subsequent broadcasts will normally be updated to the current Sunday. Check the channel’s schedule for additional times with the current service.

Worship on August 21 “The Promise of Laughter”

Join us this Sunday, August 21st, to worship the Lord. Retired pastor John R. Jackson is speaking on the topic “The Promise of Laughter.” Our scriptures are from Genesis 17 and 18, and Hebrews 11.

Attend in person or watch live on YouTube. Our channel can be found at Worship services are also broadcast with a one-week delay on Spectrum Charter channel 190: Sunday at 11 am & 7 pm, and Monday at 7 am. Subsequent broadcasts will normally be updated to the current Sunday. Check the channel’s schedule for additional times with the current service.