Scholarship Recipients for 2024-2025

The Community Church of Ludington is proud to announce that college scholarships are being  awarded to ten well-deserving applicants. The recipients are: Nathan Biggs, William Chye, Gabrielle Hockenberger, Olivia Klevorn, Hannah Knizacky, Lauren Knizacky, L. Renee Mallison, Cydney Schmock, Sawyer Smith, and Alaini White. These ten scholarships represent a total of $20,500. The scholarship recipients will be honored at the 9:30 a.m. Sunday, June 2nd worship service at Community Church, 109 North Harrison Street in Ludington.

Community Church of Ludington has been awarding scholarships since 1972 through the generosity of several educational trust funds. The Marguerite E. and Keith T. Myers Community Fund, the Laude/Caldwell Educational Trust, and the Everett L. Liebetreu Education Fund were each established with the goal of furthering the education of qualifying students from Mason County, Michigan. Community Church congratulates these students on their accomplishments and wishes them continued success as they pursue their education at their respective colleges and universities.

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