Worship on July 17 “Sermon on the Mount: Salt and Light”

Pastor Brett’s topic for Sunday, July 17 is “Sermon on the Mount: Salt and Light.” Our scriptures are Hebrews 4:13-16, Romans 14:1-12, and Matthew 5:13-20. Worship with us at 9:30 am in the sanctuary, live on YouTube, or on Spectrum Charter cable Channel 190 later in the week. Worship services are on a one-week delay for cable TV, with scheduled times of Sundays at 11 am & 7 pm, and Mondays at 7 am. Check the channel’s schedule for additional times with the current service.

Synopsis: Commentator Karoline Lewis states; “It’s one thing to know and to claim your identity.  It is another thing entirely to live it.”  Jesus is actively teaching the disciples throughout this three-year time and the Sermon on the Mount is one of those major teaching moments.  Jesus is explaining here that our faith must be more than just a verbal commitment, more than just a collection of knowledge; but shared and that requires both word and action.