November 3rd Worship: The End: God Wins!

Join us to worship the Lord this Sunday, November 3 at 9:30 a.m. Pastor Brett’s topic is “The End: God Wins!” Our scriptures include Psalm 96:7-13, Matthew 24:23-31, and Revelation 1:4-8.

Synopsis: The season of Advent is about two things, preparing to celebrate the birth of Jesus and preparing for Jesus’ second coming. As we approach Advent we will begin a series of sermons from Revelation, focused on how we can prepare for Jesus’ return.

Too many Christians don’t want to read Revelation because it does include prophecies of horrible suffering. My beloved, remember, this is God’s will, this is God’s plan, and God will triumph according to His will and His plan. Take heart, God Wins!

You can also watch live on YouTube at Visit our website for the full order of worship at