Wheat or Weeds? Worship on Sunday, July 7

Worship with us on Sunday, July 7. Pastor Brett’s topic is “Wheat or Weeds?” Our scriptures include Acts 20:28-31, Matthew 13:24-30, and Matthew 13:31-43.

Synopsis: Jesus tells a series of three parables, wheat and weeds, mustard seed, and the yeast. Fortunately, Jesus goes into detail, explaining nearly every part of the parable to His disciples. These details help us with answers to some common questions many Christians ask. Why does God allow evil to grow and seemingly succeed? All of us at one time or another have wanted to and perhaps have judged others. We’ll explore these and other thoughts and questions this coming Sunday as we explore these parables.

You can also watch live on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/@CommunityChurchLudington.