Sunday, June 2: Faith and Hope!

This week, at our at 9:30 a.m. worship service, Pastor Brett Spalding’s sermon topic is “Faith and Hope!” Our scriptures include Psalm 33:20-2, John 16:12-15, and Romans 5:1-11.

Synopsis: I’ve read this passage numerous times and each time I read that line; “when we were enemies with God” – it grabs hold of me and takes my breath away. Imagine yourself for a moment as an enemy of God. Imagine having to fear the wrath of God every day. Imagine a life of uncertainty and fear, one with no hope. It’s not something I want to think about much longer than we did just now. Fortunately, we don’t have to, because as the Apostle Paul writes, we have been justified by faith and therefore have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, Who allows us to live in Grace.

We are also recognizing our 10 college scholarship recipients today. Congratulations to all, and best wishes for your upcoming school year. See more information about this year’s recipients here.

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