February 26, 2023 “Jesus’ Anointing, Our Anointing”


Worship with us on Sunday, February 26, 2023, at 9:30 am. Pastor Brett’s topic is “Jesus’ Anointing, Our Anointing,” with scriptures from Isaiah 61:1-3, Luke 4:14-21, and Luke 4:22-30. We also stream live on www.YouTube.com/@CommunityChurchLudington

Synopsis: Today we as Christians wait for Jesus to return a second time to fulfill the prophecy found in Revelation.  For the people of Israel, their long-awaited event was the coming Messiah, to fulfill the words of God’s prophets.

Many of the prophets, including Isaiah, told people that God was going to send someone to restore them to Him.  Most saw this as a national restoration rather than a spiritual one. 

Today’s passage’s, along with a host of others, tell us that Jesus mission included not just seeking the lost; but restoring them once they were found. 

The Spirit of the Lord is on Jesus, anointing Him to:

  • Preach good news to the poor
  • Proclaim freedom for prisoners
  • Recover sight for the blind
  • Release the oppressed

This Sunday, we’ll look at what that means to us as Children of God.